We are very proud to announce the 37th Business Anniversary of our company in 2024.
Bill and I, along with our staff and crews, extend our thanks and gratitude to you for your business, friendship and support since our doors opened in December 1987.
The dream to “be his own boss” had always been there for Bill. In his youth, Bill read all the books and listened to all the tapes of his “great salesmen and mentors” on running your own business. Bill is an honest, truthful and an ethical businessman. I grew up working in my parent’s family business that opened when I was in elementary school. Well, Bill and I became the perfect fit to go after our goal to own our own business. The concept was challenging, being in our early thirties with two very young children at home, but this new business called Lake Cook Exteriors, Inc. became a reality for us.
We were reminiscing about the answering machines, one-write accounting systems, typewriters and no cell phones or email – no wonder daily tasks took longer to do! We have been able to adapt and grow our business over those 28
years to meet the needs of our loyal customers, provide
innovative, quality products and installation services
for our clients.
Bill and I look forward to many years in business ahead of us. We have realized great satisfaction and pride from our past years in business, our teamwork together and our relationship with our clients.